Your community is our community!
We are passionate about creating a stronger community through the services we offer. In 2010, we were awarded the designation of a Community Development Financial Institution. By providing you with the affordable financial solutions you need to live a better life, we're strengthening our local economy - creating opportunities for prosperity for all.
We have been located in downtown Phoenix since 1954. We lend here, work here and invest in our community. Unlike big corporate banks that answer to stockholders, MariSol supports our members by providing access to low-rate loans and a high yield on savings.
First, we believe that you are more than your credit score. Credit scoring is used for pricing only for our consumer loans. We have loan programs like our Quick Loan, Pay YourSelf mortgage, Citizenship loan, and business loans unique to us. We work with community partners like Local First Arizona and UPI Loan Fund for unique loan programs.
We teach financial education to multiple community organizations. We have even taught financial education in the Maricopa County Jails.
MariSol Federal Credit Union has been a Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) since 2010. As a CDFI, MariSol focuses on creating resiliency and prosperity in the communities. Our financial products and services are designed to promote economic opportunities and personal wealth.
In 2010, MariSol received its Low-Income Destination from the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). We are proud of our outreach to underserved and low-income communities.
MariSol es una cooperativa de crédito Juntos Avanzamos. Estamos aquí para ayudar, nor importa de donde sea.
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